Live Virtual Class: Gratitude


Sunday, January 14th, 2024, 2:00-3:30pm PST

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Sunday, January 14th, 2024, 2:00-3:30pm PST

Sunday, January 14th, 2024, 2:00-3:30pm PST

Ayurveda has long known that a mindset of gratitude builds ojas, promotes a sattvic mind, and generally makes us happier. And modern research has shown this to be true in study after study, so much so that it’s now generally accepted as scientific fact that gratitude positively changes your brain.

So, if we know alllll of that…why does it still feel so damn hard to be grateful sometimes? Why is it so elusive? How come you feel so strongly connected to a sense of gratitude one second and the very next you’re back in anger, self-pity or rumination? How do we stick with gratitude while also allowing ourselves the full range of human emotions?

We’ll explore all of these questions and more in our virtual class. You’ll leave with:

  • Practical exercises to help you stay connected to gratitude

  • An understanding of why it’s so difficult to keep that mindset going

  • And, of course, we’ll tie it all into food and dinacharya (daily practices)

Join Leah to dive deep into the brain chemistry, spiritual implications and more of one of the most powerful mindsets you can cultivate: an attitude of gratitude.

Sunday, January 14th

2:00 - 3:30pm PST

Live via Zoom; the link will be sent to you via email the week before the class. A recording of the class will be available 24-ish hours after class ends.